Redefine Wellness with the Certified Eldoa Program!
Discover the transformative power of ELDOA, SomaTherapy, and SomaTraining with the best in business.
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“You are
your own best
your own best
Introducing Guy Voyer!
Guy Voyer is a renowned French osteopath, physical therapist, and trainer, best known for developing the SomaTraining and SomaTherapy methods, as well as the innovative ELDOA (Étirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation OsteoArticulaire) technique.
His approach integrates elements of osteopathy, biomechanics, and myofascial stretching to promote structural alignment, prevent injury, and enhance athletic performance.
3 Pillars of the Guy VOYER Methodology
- Fascial Relational Anatomy
- Tensegritive Biomechanics
- Complexity Philosophy
Benefits of Eldoa Training
ELDOA postures are held for just one minute.
In that brief time, an ELDOA:
In that brief time, an ELDOA:
- Creates room between the intervertebral discs and the vertebrae
- Enhances the spine's kinesthetics
- Hydrating and mobilizing the spinal discs
- Lessens the strain on the spinal cords
- Enhances joint mechanics
- Reduces shoulder and neck discomfort, hip and sacroiliac pain, acute and chronic back pain
- Negatively impacts the digestive, respiratory, and cardiac systems
- Enhances posture muscle tone and flexibility
- Strengthens the link between the mind and body

Eldoa Training & Certificate?
The thorough ELDOA Certification Program consists of six levels that can be completed in two to four years. The scientific theory of ELDOA will be taught to you at each level using a hands-on, “learn by doing” method. It teaches them all the proper Eldoa principles, strategies, and visual signals needed to become an effective ELDOA practitioner.
- Understanding the fascial system and its role in joint mechanics.
- Basic biomechanics of the spine.
- Practical training in foundational ELDOA exercises.
- Deeper anatomical and biomechanical concepts.
- ELDOA exercises for thoracic, lumbar, and cervical spine segments.
- ELDOA exercises for fitness or therapy programs.
- Advanced biomechanics of the pelvis and hips.
- Specific ELDOA exercises for pelvic stability and alignment.
- Techniques to reduce sacroiliac pain and dysfunction.
- ELDOA exercises for complex spinal regions, including the occiput-atlas-axis area.
- ELDOA applications for the shoulders, knees, and other peripheral joints.
- Integrating ELDOA with other movement therapies.
- Adapting ELDOA exercises for sport-specific needs.
- Strategies for injury prevention and recovery.
- Enhancing athletic performance through joint decompression and fascial training.
- Advanced fascial and biomechanical principles.
- Customizing ELDOA programs for complex conditions.
- Assessments and case studies for advanced troubleshooting.
Start ELDOA Certification Course
Soma Training Program
Guy VOYER, DO considers the SomaTraining Program to be one of the most significant aspects of his educational paradigm. It is intended for people who want to work with athletes of all skill levels and those who use wellness and fitness methods to help their customers’ general health and function. This includes, but is not limited to, sports trainers, fitness advisors, sports chiropractors, and physical therapy practitioners.
Foundations of Biomechanics and Fascia
- Introduction to fascial anatomy and biomechanics.
- Basic exercises to enhance joint mobility and muscular function.
- Understanding the interconnected systems of the body (fascial lines, joint chains, etc.).
- Emphasis on proper posture and alignment in movement.
Advanced Functional Training
- Myofascial stretching and reinforcement exercises.
- Techniques for core stabilization and spinal health.
- Integrating exercises for improved proprioception and neuromuscular control.
- Addressing specific dysfunctions and compensatory patterns in movement.
Specialization and Integration
- Specialized protocols for rehabilitation, injury prevention, and sports performance.
- Advanced ELDOA exercises to target specific joint spaces.
- Case study analysis and practical application.
- Collaboration with other disciplines (therapists, osteopaths, etc.) for holistic care.
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Soma Therapy Program
The SomaTherapy program is a specialized manual therapy program designed to address the human fascial system. The curriculum is founded on manual etiotherapy and osteopathic concepts. It is a clinically oriented curriculum that teaches the principles of regulating fluid flow in all of the body’s joints and fasciae.
Foundations of SomaTherapy
- Anatomy and biomechanics of the myofascial system.
- Introduction to manual techniques for fascial release and joint mobilization.
- Basic evaluation skills to identify structural imbalances and restrictions.
Intermediate Joint and Fascial Techniques
- Detailed biomechanics of peripheral joints (shoulders, hips, knees, etc.).
- Specific fascial release techniques for targeted regions of the body.
- Combining manual therapy with corrective exercise for optimal outcomes.
Advanced Spine and Visceral Connections
- Advanced techniques for the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.
- The interplay between the spine, pelvis, and viscera (internal organs).
- Methods for improving spinal alignment and mobility to reduce pain and enhance performance.
Mastery and Integration
- Comprehensive assessments for identifying global and segmental dysfunctions.
- Developing individualized treatment plans that combine manual therapy, ELDOA, and myofascial stretching.
- Case studies, practical applications, and collaboration with other healthcare disciplines.
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Why Train with Kevin Cruz
Kevin Cruz is the leading professional having expertise in soma training, soma therapy, and eldoa technique. He has helped various individuals facing physical and emotional challenges who seek lasting relief and improved well-being with these effective programs.

Our ELDOA Certification Program includes:
The SomaTraining Program is considered by Guy VOYER, DO to be one of the most important components of his educational paradigm.
A comprehensive 6 Level
certification program
A comprehensive 6 Level
certification program
A comprehensive 6 Level
certification program
A comprehensive 6 Level
certification program
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